Saturday, February 9, 2019

Singer 457 Vertical Top Gear Replacement Extras

All fixed up and ready to sew
A customer brought a Singer 457 that mother-in-law had given to her daughter. The granddaughter was starting out in sewing and this was a gift to help encourage her. The machine had not been used for quite some time and while it was in great shape overall, it did have a crumbling vertical top  gear and it would not sew. The customer wanted to have the gear replaced and then an overall cleaning and tuneup.  
After ordering a replacement gear, I looked for a service manual online. There were several references to the 457, but I think the two most helpful things I found were the schematic drawing on and a step-by-step tutorial on  The process did take me longer than the 15-30 minutes suggested, but that's probably because I'm still new to the process. The tutorial was very helpful and I would definitely recommend it. There were a few times that I took a picture while I was working through the replacement though. There were just a couple of things that were referenced in the tutorial that I wish had had accompanying pictures. These were for my own records, but I thought they may be helpful to someone else who was following the same tutorial. You can read the tutorial linked above and then supplement with any of the pictures here.

Broken gear on left with tooth missing at top, new gear on right
Control panel screws that get removed. I put a piece of tape behind the one on the far left to keep the screw retainer on the back from falling into the machine. The tape also let me hold the retainer in place for reassembly.

Set screw for vertical top gear as seen through aperture
Vertical top gear with missing teeth, they had crumbled and settled at the bottom of the machine
Tensioning cam removed and belt loose

Manual includes oiling points and these are readily accessible when machine is apart for gear replacement

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