Thursday, July 23, 2020

Green Denim Twill Lander Pants

Lander Pants and a Blaire Shirt
Here is another Lander Pant pattern, version number 50 or so. This is definitely a TNT pattern for me now and I am really happy with how it fits overall. The fabric is from a woman in Northbrook who was de-stashing and generously offered to let me try anything that looked interesting. It is a green denim twill and I thought it was a perfect weight with which to try the Lander Pant pattern again. I had been working on perfecting the fit of the shorts and I wanted to try the pants, but hadn't had any suitable fabric. Since social distancing started, I have only shopped online once, choosing instead to use fabric and supplies I already have at home. I am pleased to be able to say that these pants were constructed entirely of notions that were already in my collection.

The front pocket lining is a quilting cotton from Nancy K's stash, the buttons were in a sewing cabinet that came from a garage sale, and the thread came from Cedar Rapids, IA.

I don't have any construction photos of these pants because I have sewn this pattern many times and often forget to pause and take pics. I had my Bernina 717 set up for seams and the 1120 set up for top-stitching. I also used my serger for finishing seams and the hem. My Singer 201 did the buttonholes.

There are finished photos though, taken while I waited outside the urgent care clinic. My neighbor was inside getting a COVID test and no one is allowed to wait in the lobby so when it stopped raining I starting walking laps up and down the block. At some point I realized I was wearing my recently finished pants and a Style Arc Blaire Top so I decided to do an impromptu photo shoot. The lighting alternated between a bit too dark and a bit too light and the focus was sometimes off, but it was not bad for just propping my phone on various ledges and setting the timer. Also, if this had been planned I probably wouldn't have modeled while wearing my garden boots.
At least I'm in comfy clothes if this ends up being a long wait
Back pockets were cut with the selvedge as the top
I can squat and not worry about revealing anything with these high-waisted pants
I made the mask, shirt, and pants
Camera angle makes me look like I'm slouching
Nice big pockets for my phone
There were only 5 of these buttons and that worked out perfectly
Range of motion is great
Didn't get my head in this shot

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