Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Additions to My Sewing Library

Last night, on the way home from work, I picked up a serger that I had found on Craigslist.  More on that in a later post.  Along with the serger though, the seller was cleaning out her library of sewing books.  She asked if I like to go through her 'donation' boxes to see if there was anything I found interesting.  Well, of course I'd like to take a look.  Thank you for offering!

Given that I didn't want to take up too much of her time while she waited for me to peruse the selection,  I quickly scooped up several books with either titles or covers that appealed to me.  (Yes, I judged books by their covers.)  A few even earned a cursory glance at the illustrations.  Eight books came home with me.  Some may prove to be more helpful than others, but I was pretty happy with the whole bundle.

Here are the books that followed me home.  Maybe you recognize a title or two?  Any recommendations for ones that are particularly good, or not?
This one will help me consider moving outside my comfort zone when looking at clothes.
Something to aspire to in my sewing.
The more pictures, the more likely I am to use it as a reference.
The serger I bought didn't come with a manual, so this seemed like a good idea
BHG put out a good cookbook, let's see what they've got on sewing
I'm still a ways away from applying fine tailoring skills, but it doesn't hurt to start reading about them.
I would like to have a sewing machine with the custom paint job featured on this cover.
There's only a little water damage in the bottom corner.

Now, which one should I start reading first?

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